Masters of Brand Building: McDonalds, Starbucks, Best Buy, Target, Dunkin and Apple. Oh My!
These large corporations all began as an unknown entities. We know brand building does not occur overnight, unless of course, a person is discovered on You Tube, becomes a viral sensation, sells millions of albums, begins a clothing line, or maybe even branded toilet paper … dream big!
Every company mentioned above invested heavily in brand branding and continue to do so. As a result, their logos are recognizable from a mile away.
McDonalds began selling simple hamburgers from a tiny storefront! The hamburger itself was never really super tasty, rather, the brand prospered by satisfying a need. They delivered a fast and inexpensive alternative to a home-made meal!
Amazingly, all of these companies built their brands BEFORE the advent of the Internet! Credit must be given where credit is due – impressive success stories.
Every brand building journey is unique, because every brand building strategy is unique. A strategy must be fluid not stagnant, this able to react to whatever the markets dictate. Strategic plans will be modified time and time again based on campaign performance data, therefore companies that remain steadfast and undeterred, will prevail!
If your company is looking for creative ideas that are extensively tested to optimize performance, calls us @ 440.514.3666 or reach out to us via our online form.
Exploring new ways to grow your company is just a phone call away!